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Sounds great! But how...?

We bring Little Giant Magic to your pupils, parents and teachers all in one school day! To find out how, click your heels together three times and say 'Little Giants, Little Giants, Little Giants'. Alternatively, keep reading below.

How we work

We bring three different plays to your school day, one for P1 - P3, another for P4 - P5 and the last for P6 - P7. Each play is followed by a short workshop with the year groups to talk about the characters and stories in the play and the themes in line with the PDMU curriculum.


We run on a two year cycle with ‘Cycle A’ comprising of a set of different plays to that of ‘Cycle B’, meaning that should you book us again for the following year, your pupils will never see the same play as they grow through their journey in Primary School.


In the year 2023 -2024, we will tour with Cycle A plays. In the following academic year, we will tour with our Cycle B plays.




There's more!

We also offer a Parents Session at the beginning of the day for any parents who wish to attend. This is a short session, showing parents a five minute section of each of the plays and discussing the themes that the children will be introduced to, so that their learning may be further enhanced at home.


We will also equip your school with lesson plans and resources for each production. These plans are sent by us as a PDF pack, a month before our giant visit to your school. There are lessons and activities that your teachers can use before the pupils watch our plays, as well as resources and lessons for post-production to follow up. 




Our plays

2023 Academic Year P1 - P3

Heart on Your Sleeve

Bob is a very happy boy, but sometimes he doesn’t feel all that jolly. In fact, sometimes he feels sad or angry, and sometimes he can’t even describe how he’s feeling. It’s a good job that Bob wears his heart on his sleeve as through the story, we uncover that underneath these feelings, the happy-go-lucky Bob is always there and that sometimes, just talking can help us discover how we really feel.


Learning Outcome

PDMU Theme 2: Feelings & Emotions. “Pupils will explore their own and others feelings & emotions, and how their actions affect others”

2023 Academic Year. P4 - P5

There Must Be A Rainbow

Liam and Lucy are brother and sister, best friends and competitive rivals! They do everything together but fight to be the biggest, brightest and most brilliant. We meet them on the day of their school swimming competition where the prize of the biggest jar of sweets that you ever did see is too tempting not to fight over. Lucy is quick, but can’t hold her breath very long, and Liam is slow, but can hold his breath for over a whole minute! Follow them on their journey to discovering that learning from each other, discovering each others strengths and weaknesses to work together can help them succeed. Will they win that jar of sweets? Well, you’ll have to find out!


Learning Outcome

PDMU Theme 3: Learning to Learn. “Pupils should be enabled to explore positive attitudes to learning & achievement” 

2023 Academic Year. P6 - P7

I Wish

Susie wishes, more than anything, that she could be different. One night, at bedtime, she wishes she could have everything she ever wanted and as she falls to sleep, her dream comes true. Susie falls into a world where her wishes are granted, but not everything is as good as it seems. Follow Susie on her adventure to self-discovery, finding out that everything she ever wanted, was everything that she already had.


Learning Outcome

PDMU Theme 1: Self-awareness. “Pupils should be enabled to explore their self-esteem & self- confidence”


Schedule of the day

This is a guide of how we work in your school, but can be tailored to best accommodate the timings of your school day.


Actors arrive & set up

We arrive with our bespoke set, costumes, props and sound equipment to bring the magic to your Little Giants for the day. We require the use of your main hall to do this and kindly ask that any breakfast club to be re-roomed.


Parents Session

Our parents session lasts 30 minutes and begins with a welcome from us. We talk about theatre-in-education, PDMU and show them a short scene from each play and how the theme links to the PDMU curriculum. We end with a Q&A before releasing the Big Giants home!


Performance for P1 - P3

We welcome the littlest giants, P1 - P3 into the hall with a short introduction. This play then lasts approx. 20 minutes and is followed by a 15 minute workshop and Q&A. We ask for the teachers / teaching assistants to stay with the pupils throughout.


Performance for P4 - P5

We welcome the second group of little giants, P4 - P5 into the hall for their performance. This play lasts approx. 30 minutes and is followed by a 15 minute workshop and Q&A. We ask for the teachers / teaching assistants to stay with the pupils throughout.


Performance for P6 - P7

We welcome the biggest little giants, P6 - P7 into the hall after lunch for their performance. This play lasts approx. 35 minutes and is followed by a 15 minute workshop and Q&A. We ask for the teachers / teaching assistants to stay with the pupils throughout.


Actors pack up

We pack down all our set, load it into our van and leave your hall like there were no giants there at all!


*and before we go, we make sure to book you in for next year, of course...!

Did we mention...

One month before we arrive, we provide you with teaching resources tailored to our productions and their PDMU strand. This way, the lessons around our visit can be planned, to extend the educational value of our productions even further.

Taking bookings for 2023 - 2024. Get in touch to book our visit

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